Call for Paper/ Poster Presentation
Papers based on primary and secondary sources on the aforementioned themes (non-exhaustive) are invited for the conference from academicians, research scholars, postgraduate students, social activists, policymakers, NGO members etc. These themes are non-exhaustive, and the participants may submit papers on other themes related to Rural Development. The paper should follow a standard format for Word documents (Font: Times New Roman, 12 font size, 1.5-line spacing); the length of the paper should be about 3000 to 5000 words. The abstract of the paper should not be more than 300 words. Author(s) name(s) and institutional affiliation should be mentioned along with the title of the paper. Soft copies of abstracts on the conference theme/ sub-themes should be uploaded online before the last date. The selection of abstract will be informed to the authors by email and prior submission of the full paper is necessary for the participation in the conference.
Other than the papers, the participants are also invited for Poster Presentation on various sub-themes mentioned above. In the poster presentations, the participants use a mixture of a brief text with tables, graphs, pictures, and other formats which summarize their research or any other project findings. The primary focus of the poster presentation is on the visual representation of the themes, followed by oral description and interaction with the audience. Some of the aspects to emphasize for the poster presentation are the poster design, presentation, explanation. A brief summary of the poster presentation on the conference theme/ sub-themes should be uploaded online before the last date. The summary should not be more than 100 characters. Author(s) name(s) and institutional affiliation should be mentioned along with the title of the poster presentation. The selection of the poster presentation summary will be informed to the authors by email and prior submission of the full poster presentation is necessary for the participation in the conference.
Once selected for paper/poster presentation, the participants will be required to register and pay the fee to participate in the conference.